Compound Your Wealth Passively
Fixed Annual Returns
Anyone can start with just $1,000 in less than 2 minutes
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Fixed Annual Returns
Anyone can start with just $1,000 in less than 2 minutes
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When it comes to high yield returns we are the best in the market.
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Investment Amount:
Total value with interest:
Compound interest:
Start earning interest in less than 2 minutes
The first SEC qualified offering to allow real estate and digital assets to all US investors.
This is an exclusive and first of its kind bond offering, available to all US investors
Get Started
Create an account, choose options, sign docs and fund your investment within 2 minutes.
We Diversify the Funds
We build new homes in one of the #1 beaches in the USA, while allocating to Bitcoin and Ethereum as a way to preserve and grow capital for the company and its investors.
Learn moreGet Paid Monthly
Receive your high-yield interest payments monthly or let them compound over your bond term.
Joe Robert
At Robert Ventures, our mission is to leverage my investment strategies to maximize growth and deliver strong returns for our investors.
Track Record
20 yrs
200 +
1500 +
Tech Investments
40 +
Trust your investments with a proven manager that hasn't missed an investor payment and returned all capital with interest.
We invest in new assets designed to generate predictable monthly revenue and long-term value growth for the company.
No, the bonds are not FDIC (Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation) insured. FDIC insurance is
designed to protect depositors' funds in banks and
savings institutions in the event of a bank failure.
The company's bonds are a type of investment in privately
held companies or securities that are not publicly traded.
These investments carry inherent risks and are not guaranteed
or insured by the FDIC or any other government agency.
Our bonds are issued according to SEC's Reg A+.
For any investment/allocation decision, you should
always answer to those questions:
- Do I believe in the asset class I am about to invest?
- Do I like the expected returns?
- Do they make sense to my portfolio?
- Do I trust the manager?
Our product is made for qualified investors who intend
to outpace inflation and earn high yields, especially
given the current macroeconomic conditions.
Joe has over 20 years of experience in the real estate
sector and 6 years in the technology industry. He is
in constant contact with people from the sector, and
the team has a detailed due diligence process before
investing in any asset.
The bonds are structured to eliminate intermediary fees
and reduce overall expenses, meaning any additional fees
do not reduce your monthly payments.
Bondholders can be confident that excessive fees and
expenses do not impact their returns. Transparency and
fairness are crucial elements in building trust with
our investors, and this fee structure reflects that commitment.
By investing in the Robert Ventures Bonds, you're getting
the most out of your investment, and your interests are
always a top priority.
Robert Ventures' investments are taxed the same as any other high-yield bond or interest-bearing investment. You will receive a form 1099-INT at the beginning of every tax year for the previous year, covering all interest paid during the calendar/tax year.
Yes, you can invest with your self-directed
retirement accounts.
Here are some of the benefits
of investing in the Robert Ventures Bonds through an
IRA account:
- Interest not taxable when realized;
-In a Roth IRA account: the interest income is tax-free
when paid and withdrawn;
- In a Traditional IRA Account: the interest income is
tax-deferred, which means it's only taxed when taking
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